Botox Cosmetic

Treating Winter Acne

We all know and hate how our skin seems to act up during the colder, drier months of winter. Why does this happen and how can we treat it?

Why is it acting up?

Cold air doesn’t have nearly as much moisture as warmer air does. The chilly weather strips away the moisturizing and protective barriers on the surface of your skin. This results in a few different things:

  • Dryness: Because the moisture is stripped away by the cold air, your skin gets dry and leaves newer cells vulnerable.
  • Open for dirt, toxins, and bacteria: The surface barriers being lost means dirt, toxins, and bacteria can infiltrate and cause acne.
    What can you do to treat your winter acne?

What can you do to treat your winter acne?

  1. Use non-drying products. Not only do harsh soaps dry you out, but so do barrier-destroying acne treatments that use harsher products such as benzoyl peroxide.
  2. Use lots of moisturizers! If your usual moisturizer still doesn’t seem to be working, try something different.
  3. Wear sunscreen. Inflammation from the sun can cause even more breakouts to arise.
  4. Quit using abrasive treatments and products while it’s cold. Your usual alcohol-based toners, abrasive exfoliators, or harsh makeup products can do more harm than good during the winter.
  5. Use a gentle cleanser. Cleansers that are easy on the skin will help restore your skin’s protective barrier.
    Still struggling with acne? Montrose Dermatology + Cosmetics can help! Visit our website to learn more.
Still struggling with acne? Montrose Dermatology + Cosmetics can help! Call today: (970) 964-4036